Lantern Project in the Founder’s Entrance (Part 3)
Helena Rodwell
September 22, 2017
Museum Stories
Tags: building, founder's entrance, glass
Investigations into the lantern are well underway. (Catch up with what has happened so far by reading Part 1 & 2.)
Specialist contractors Brown & Ralph have begun to look at the side windows of the lantern. After removing the glazing putty from one of the panes of glass, more information about the original intent has been revealed.

Each pane has a central section of etching, with a clear border around the edges. Over the years, as repairs have been done and panes replaced, the putty and paint lines have crept further inwards, making the clear border not visible.

The glass will be removed and cleaned. And, as the glass is reset, the putty line will be restored so that the clear border will be visible again. Looking at the windows as a whole, it is possible to tell which panes have been replaced. The ones with a rose tint are original. As part of this project, we intend to replace the newer non-tinted glass with rose-tinted etched glass in order to return to the original aesthetic.

Keep an eye on the blog – we will keep you updated as the project progresses.